Manhattanhenge: The Ultimate Guide to NYC's Most Stunning Sunset Event
NYC Moments Matt Ritchie NYC Moments Matt Ritchie

Manhattanhenge: The Ultimate Guide to NYC's Most Stunning Sunset Event

New York City sunsets (especially in summer) can be a sight to behold, with the unique cityscape creating and incredible backdrop to watch the sky pop. But twice a year the sun perfectly aligns between the giant skyscrapers to cast an amazing beam of light that draws people out to the streets, halting traffic as people watch the sun sets down the Manhattan grid.

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Fall in Central Park
NYC Moments Matt Ritchie NYC Moments Matt Ritchie

Fall in Central Park

Fall in New York is my favorite time of year. Beginning in October and continuing into early November, Central Park comes alive with vibrant colors and becomes the most photogenic spot in the city.

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